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Jason & Ashley

Thank you so much for considering us as adoptive parents for your child and viewing our profile. We have always wanted to have a family and adoption has given us the blessing of being able to have children. Adoption has affected us personally because our son was adopted from Thailand. Trusting us to raise your child means everything. We are a caring and loving family and cannot wait to add a child to our family.

About Us

Business Owner
Medical Physicist
Bachelor's Degree in Communcaiton
Ph.D. in Medical Physics
Legally Married

Adoption in Our Lives

Our Family

We have seen firsthand what a beautiful thing adoption can be. Our son, Paxton, was born in Thailand. He was 18 months old when we adopted him. He was blessed to have a loving foster family care for him until he was placed for adoption. We met them and visited their home when we were in Thailand.

Paxton is now 9 years old. He is a very happy little boy. We have done tons of adoption education prior to and after bringing him home. We understand the importance of talking about adoption and his story from a very young age. He is very proud of his heritage and is excited to talk about it at school and with his friends. Paxton is outgoing and loves people. He enjoys school and playing with kids in our neighborhood. He is smart and has a great sense of humor. Paxton wants to try everything and he has been involved in baseball, soccer, basketball, theater, and piano. He is so excited to be a big brother!

Our Leisure Time

4th of July at the Lake

We enjoy boating, going to the beach, hiking, sporting events (basketball and football), and ballroom dancing. We try to have a date night once a month. We usually go to dinner and then take a dance class. Our favorites are salsa and swing. We also love to travel. As a couple we have travelled to Italy, France, Canada, Mexico, Thailand and most states in the U.S. We have taken our son to Florida, California, Alaska, Washington, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Illinois, Indiana, Georgia, and Washington, D.C. We also enjoy getting together with friends and spending time as a family. Our family activities have varied over the years as our son has grown. We just enjoy doing whatever he is into at the time!

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Date Night at the Beach

Jason About Ashley: I love Ashley because she's a wonderful person to be around. She's beautiful, funny, smart, talented and successful in all aspects of her life. Anything she puts her mind to she accomplishes both personally and professionally. She honestly excels at everything. She's a great wife and mother. She loves her career but also loves being a mom. She enjoys being active, especially playing with our son and just really getting the most out of everything life has to offer. Ashley is loving, patient, and empathetic. She's a natural mother and loves caring for children. She's a kid at heart, so spending time and playing with children comes naturally. Ashley is a PhD Medical Physicist in the radiation oncology department of a large hospital and helps treat cancer patients. She works part-time and has a flexible schedule so she has plenty of time to be a mom.

Ashley About Jason: I love Jason because he's a good person and makes everything more fun. He makes me feel loved by sending sweet notes and asking what he can do to lighten my load. He's caring, dependable, and hard-working. He would do anything for me and our son. I love his easy-going personality. People describe him as "the life of the party" because he's personable and has a great sense of humor. Jason is fun-loving so kids love being around him. He is loving, consistent, and playful. He is even-tempered and patient. He loves coaching our son's soccer and baseball teams. He is an amazing father.


African Safari
African Safari
Making a Pumpkin Pie Together
Making a Pumpkin Pie Together
At the Kentucky Derby
At the Kentucky Derby
With Our Pup, Callie
With Our Pup, Callie
Hiking to a Waterfall
Hiking to a Waterfall
Coach Jason & Paxton
Coach Jason & Paxton
Disney World
Disney World
Beautiful Paris
Beautiful Paris
We Can't Wait to Add to Our Family Through Adoption!
We Can't Wait to Add to Our Family Through Adoption!
Growing Vegetables in Our Backyard
Growing Vegetables in Our Backyard
Halloween Fun
Halloween Fun
Pillow Fort
Pillow Fort
1 / 12
African Safari
African Safari
2 / 12
Making a Pumpkin Pie Together
Making a Pumpkin Pie Together
3 / 12
At the Kentucky Derby
At the Kentucky Derby
4 / 12
With Our Pup, Callie
With Our Pup, Callie
5 / 12
Hiking to a Waterfall
Hiking to a Waterfall
6 / 12
Coach Jason & Paxton
Coach Jason & Paxton
7 / 12
Disney World
Disney World
8 / 12
Beautiful Paris
Beautiful Paris
9 / 12
We Can't Wait to Add to Our Family Through Adoption!
We Can't Wait to Add to Our Family Through Adoption!
10 / 12
Growing Vegetables in Our Backyard
Growing Vegetables in Our Backyard
11 / 12
Halloween Fun
Halloween Fun
12 / 12
Pillow Fort
Pillow Fort

Our House and Neighborhood

Our Home

We have a 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath home. It's a kid's paradise! The first floor has a kitchen, dining room, living room, office, and playroom. Upstairs are bedrooms and a bonus space that Jason uses to work remotely. There is plenty of recreation space both indoors and out. The basement is a fun space for movie watching, playing cards, and ping pong. Outside is a large fenced yard with a swing set and a patio that is perfect for ride on toys and tricycles. Our neighborhood is very kid friendly. There are often kids riding bikes, tricycles, and scooters in the cul-de-sac. There is a wonderful elementary school within walking distance that is very diverse. The students there represent over 30 countries. A favorite annual event is International Night, where students and families learn to understand, celebrate, and appreciate different cultures.

Backyard Playset

Our small city is a great place to raise a family. We live in a diverse community with medical facilities, schools, churches, fire and police services, and various community activities all found within 5 miles of our home. It is a great town that has a lot to offer while still maintaining a small town feel. We enjoy a lot of outdoor activities in the area including hiking trails, fishing, and playgrounds nearby. There is a neighborhood pool where our son runs into kids from his school. We have great neighbors and hang out with them often. It is so much fun to watch our kids grow up together.

Our Extended Families

Ashley's Family

Our families have always been a big part of our lives. We recently moved from Florida to Kentucky, where most of our family lives. It's important to us that our children know our family. We celebrate holidays by cooking together and hosting large family gatherings. Our families love to attend our son's school performances, baseball and soccer games, and piano recitals. They are excited about the arrival of another child. They adore our son who was adopted and can't wait to add to the family.

Jason's Family

Ashley's parents are Steve, an English professor, and Kathy, a stay-at-home mom. We were glad we were close to family when Ashley's dad passed away in 2023. Ashley has two sisters, Shannon and Heather. They have always been close and love spending time together. As kids they played games together, watched movies, and her parents took them on trips around the world. We still enjoy getting together with her family for dinners, birthday celebrations, and to spend time with our 10 year old nephew, Edison.

Jason's parents are Floyd and Pam. They divorced when Jason was young. Pam remarried when Jason was five years old to Gene. Gene was a wonderful father and Jason always felt closest to him. He passed away in 2014. Jason has a sister, Katie, and two half-brothers, Roger and Daryl. His entire family lives nearby including grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and two nephews. Jason's family loves to gather for a meal. Their favorite is a fish fry.

From Us to You

Thank you so much for considering us as adoptive parents for your child and viewing our profile. We have always wanted to have a family and adoption is the path for us to be able to have children. Trusting us to raise your child means everything. We struggled to have children for eight years before adopting our son. We underwent numerous fertility treatments, but none of them were successful. We believe it is because we were meant to be adoptive parents. Adopting our son is the greatest thing we have ever done. We want to give the same love and care to another child. We both loved having siblings growing up and continue to have strong connections with our siblings as adults. We want our children to be able to experience that special bond that only siblings have so that they can support, love, and protect each other throughout their lives. We are a caring and loving family and cannot wait to add to our family.

We have been married for 18 years. We are a great match because our differences complement each other. Jason is easy-going and the life of the party, while Ashley is more reserved and thoughtful. The thing that keeps us together is that we love to spend time together and feel that communication is key to a happy marriage. We truly respect each other, trust each other, and love each other unconditionally.

We are interested in an open adoption. We promise to send you letters and pictures. We are open to more contact as well, including emails, phone calls, and visits. We know this is a difficult and emotional time for you and we want to do whatever we can to support you. We hope you will be comforted knowing that you can always be a part of this child's life if that's what you choose. We want this child to know and celebrate their story and that includes their birth family.

Our dream is to provide our children with a loving and stable environment. Adoption has given us the blessing of a child when we couldn't start a family on our own. We pray that our next adoption will also give our children the blessing of each other. We have the time, energy, and love to give another child and feel that it would make our family complete. We are blessed that both our jobs give us the flexibility to give our children plenty of one-on-one time. We want to give a world of opportunities to our children, including growing up as part of a large, loving family.

Thank you for taking the time to read our profile. Adoption is beautiful and we are honored that you are considering us to be adoptive parents to your child. We have learned so much from our first adoption that will help us to be amazing parents to this child.

Should you choose us, we want you to know that your child will be surrounded by a loving family. We will provide your baby with a safe environment to explore, and provide structure in a loving way so that they can thrive. We will be devoted and nurturing. We will be playful and fun. But most importantly we will love this child unconditionally. We will tell him or her every day how much they are loved and shower them with affection.

Jason & Ashley


Harrison Ford
Eat Pray Love
Candy Bar
Reece's Peanut Butter Cups
Last Airbender
Childhood Memory
Going to the lake with my family
Traveling with my family
Childhood Toy
Baby doll
Children's Book
I Love You Through and Through
The Going to Bed Book
Classic Movie
James Bond
Day of Week
Peanut Butter Pie
Anything chocolate
Disney Movie
The Little Mermaid
Dream Job
Dream Vacation
A yacht in the mediterranean
A yacht in the mediterranean
Family Activity
Pizza and a movie
Flower / Plant
Pink carnation
Pizza or Steak
Form of Exercise
Dancing and yoga
4th of July
Holiday Song
Jingle Bells
O Holy Night
Holiday Tradition
Listening to my family play Christmas songs on the piano
Driving around the neighborhood looking at Christmas lights
Ice Cream
Peanut Butter
Junk Food
Chips and Salsa
French fries
Leisure Activity
Walking on the beach
Better Homes and Gardens
Memory with a Child
Either boating with my son or playing in the sand
A picnic and reading books on a blanket in the backyard with my son
Memory with Spouse
Traveling to Thailand
Traveling to Thailand to adopt our son
The Notebook
Movie Munchie
Reese's pieces
Movie Quote
Big mistake. Big. Huge.
Movie Type
The Greatest Showman
The Sound of Music
Olympic Event
Anything in the Winter Olympics
Gymnastics or figure skating
Quality about my Spouse
She is very sweet, caring and fun to be around
Fun to be around
Marker 32
Marker 32
Pastrami or Reuben
Shopping Store
Pottery Barn
Sport to Play
Basketball or Golf
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Joe Montana
Sports Team
Jacksonville Jaguars
Jacksonville Jaguars
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Grilling anything
Time of Day
Type of Music
Jimmy Buffet
Vacation Spot
The beach
Video Game
Sports video games

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