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Matt & Cheyene

Thank you for considering us as potential adoptive parents for your child. We know you have a difficult decision ahead of you and you will be in our thoughts. The strength and courage you have is not lost on us. Our minds and our hearts are in the right place, and we know that in our family your child will go through each phase of their lives with the guidance and love they deserve.

About Us

Wealth Manager
Non-Profit Manager/Future Stay-at-Home Mom
Bachelor's Degree in Communications
Bachelor's Degree in Interdisciplinary Studies
Legally Married

Our Leisure Time

Colorado Hike

During the week, a lot of our time is spent around our home playing with our dogs in the backyard or curling up on the couch watching our favorite shows. Our weekends are spent on hikes with our dogs, biking, and eating out at local restaurants. We love to go on vacation whether it's a weekend getaway or an annual road trip. Our favorite place to travel is Colorado. We often spend time with our friends and family, cooking our favorite meals together and going to the movies. We love to host gatherings and game nights in our home. We are also football fans and enjoy going to games every year. We're excited to think about what it will be like having your child join us on adventures and are looking forward to creating fun memories!

Qualities We Love, Admire and Respect in Each Other

Riding Our Bikes

Cheyene About Matt: Matt once put together a whole PowerPoint presentation on why we should choose his vacation spot idea over mine. Needless to say, we ended up vacationing in his city of choice, Dallas! Matt is quirky, funny and has this natural ability to make me laugh all the time. He is kind, loving and supportive. He has an amazing work ethic and is dedicated to his family. He's the absolute best friend and husband that I could have ever asked for. I love spending time with him and I know a child will too. I have no doubt that he is going to be a wonderful father and I feel so lucky that I get to witness it firsthand.

Matt About Cheyene: Cheyene is always a joy to be around. She has such a warm and welcoming presence that people gravitate to. She is always taking care of others, and everyone enjoys her company whether they are family, friends, or coworkers. I feel very lucky that I get to call such an amazing woman my significant other. On top of all of this she is incredibly hard working, which I really respect. She gives her all in everything she does, and is very down to earth. She finds joy in the little things, and doesn't need much to be happy. I have no doubt that she will be an excellent mother.

Our Pups, Iven & Cooper

Family Picnic

We have two dogs, Iven and Cooper. They both have the sweetest temperament and are family to us. They play an important role in our lives and we play an important role in theirs. They teach us a lot about being selfless and what it means for someone to depend on you. They are always there for us and are always in a good mood. They motivate us to get out of the house and spend time in nature. We love going on walks, taking them to the park and cuddling with them. We also enjoy playing with them outside and teaching them new tricks. One of our favorite games to play with them is hide and seek. They without a doubt are a major source of happiness for us and our lives are better off with them in it!


Football Game With Friends
Football Game With Friends
Picking Pumpkins With Our Niece
Picking Pumpkins With Our Niece
Hanging Out With Friends
Hanging Out With Friends
Relaxing at Home
Relaxing at Home
Quality Time With Our Niece
Quality Time With Our Niece
Halloween Costume Contest
Halloween Costume Contest
Lunch With Our Nephew
Lunch With Our Nephew
Cheyene Knitting a Scarf
Cheyene Knitting a Scarf
Matt Golfing
Matt Golfing
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
Our Friend's Wedding
Our Friend's Wedding
Happy Together
Happy Together
1 / 12
Football Game With Friends
Football Game With Friends
2 / 12
Picking Pumpkins With Our Niece
Picking Pumpkins With Our Niece
3 / 12
Hanging Out With Friends
Hanging Out With Friends
4 / 12
Relaxing at Home
Relaxing at Home
5 / 12
Quality Time With Our Niece
Quality Time With Our Niece
6 / 12
Halloween Costume Contest
Halloween Costume Contest
7 / 12
Lunch With Our Nephew
Lunch With Our Nephew
8 / 12
Cheyene Knitting a Scarf
Cheyene Knitting a Scarf
9 / 12
Matt Golfing
Matt Golfing
10 / 12
Our Wedding Day
Our Wedding Day
11 / 12
Our Friend's Wedding
Our Friend's Wedding
12 / 12
Happy Together
Happy Together

Our House and Neighborhood

Home Sweet Home

We live in a safe, family friendly neighborhood on a cul-de-sac in a suburb. We have a spacious home with plenty of room to grow our family. Our home has a large fenced in backyard and is within walking distance to the elementary school. There are a lot of fun things to do in our community. Our neighborhood is close to several scenic trails, parks, ball fields, and shops. Our neighborhood also hosts many different events, such as holiday parties for Christmas and Fourth of July parades. We have several farmers markets close by in the summer and fall. You can find an abundance of fresh food, music, and art. Our city is also known for hosting some of the largest festivals and fairs in the country. We look forward to watching our child grow up in such an incredible city and community.

Our Extended Families

Cheyene's Family

We are very close to both of our families and are fortunate to have many family members that live close by.

Cheyene's mom is a Fine Arts professor at a local community college. She loves to stay with us for several weeks out of the year. Cheyene has a brother nearby who will be getting married this year! She also has another brother, sister, niece, and several family members that live in New York City. We Facetime with them often and look forward to visiting them at least once a year!

Matt's Family

Matt's parents are retired and are full time RVers. We see them throughout the year when they are in town, and we travel out to stay with them in their RV. We have traveled many places to see them including Texas, Florida and South Dakota. Matt is the only boy in his family and has three sisters. We have a nephew and a niece on his side of the family.

We can already imagine the day your child is playing outside with our nieces and nephews. Both our families are very excited for us to start our adoption journey and will surround your child with unconditional love. We spend much of our time together watching movies, eating delicious meals, and exploring fun places. One of our favorite things to do with our family is to host parties and holiday gatherings in our home. Everyone is extremely excited to welcome a new member to the family.

From Us to You

Thank you for taking the time to look at our profile and learn more about us. We can't even begin to imagine how difficult this decision is for you. Our thoughts are with you and we hope that you feel loved and supported on this journey.

We met in college eight years ago. We both worked at a market on campus. Cheyene loves to share that she was Matt's boss. We quickly became best friends and started dating shortly after graduating. We talked about our future often and knew very early on that when we were ready to have children, it would be through adoption. Matt proposed to Cheyene with a very creative and witty poem on the roof of a hotel in our college town. We have been married now for six years. In that time, we have learned a lot of important lessons and grown up together. We love to make each other laugh and can have fun doing anything (even grocery shopping). One of our favorite things about our relationship is that we share many of the same values. We both value family, friends and the time we spend together more than anything in the world.

We now are ready to begin the next chapter together: being parents and raising a family. We have known from the beginning of our relationship that we would build our family through adoption, due to known infertility issues. We feel this is a blessing, as we have had several years to mentally prepare for the adoption journey. We feel very fortunate to be able to adopt and know it will be a challenging and rewarding experience.

We can't promise that we'll be perfect parents but what we can promise is that we will love your child unconditionally. Your child will know they are loved on good days, bad days and everything in between. We truly believe that we can provide a safe, stable and nurturing environment for your child to thrive. We will do everything in our power to ensure that they always feel the love, attention and support that they deserve. Our hope is to equip them with the skills that they need to grow into happy, healthy and well-adjusted adults. We look forward to sharing our fun childhood traditions and beginning new ones with them. We are excited to get to know them and create lasting memories. Raising a child is one of life's greatest blessings and we will not take that for granted. We are thrilled to become first time parents and see what the future holds for our family.

If you choose to move forward with an adoption plan, you will always play a significant role in our lives. We are open to ongoing communication, sending letters, sharing milestones, pictures, videos and planning visits if and when you are ready. We would love for our child to know who you are and grow up knowing where they came from. We will always honor you in our home and speak of you in a positive light. We respect that this decision is not an easy one and want nothing more than for you to feel supported and encouraged throughout this process. We are thinking of you on your journey and hope that you feel confident and assured that this decision is right for you. We wish you all the strength and all the courage. Thank you for considering us.

Matt & Cheyene


Jim Carrey
Ryan Gosling
Rachel McAdams
Emily Blunt
Lemony Snicket
Lisa Gardner
Stillness is the Key
Can't Hurt Me
Candy Bar
Take 5
Scooby Doo
Childhood Memory
Going to football games with family
Watching my dad pretend to bump into telephone poles to make me laugh
Childhood Toy
Batman Action Figure
Children's Book
The Cat in the Hat
Where the Wild Things Are
Kansas City
Estes Park
Classic Movie
It's a Wonderful Life
Pride and Prejudice
Day of Week
Aunt Julie's Cheesecake
Disney Movie
Finding Nemo
Toy Story
Dream Car
Range Rover
Dream Job
Food Critic
Dream Vacation
Family Activity
Riding our bikes on the trail
Flower / Plant
Form of Exercise
Frozen grapes
Holiday Song
Feliz Navidad
Underneath the Tree
Holiday Tradition
Watch football with family
Making hot cocoa, playing Christmas music and decorating the tree as a family
Ice Cream
Vanilla with Heath Bar
Vanilla with rainbow sprinkles
Junk Food
Hot Chips
Chocolate Chip Cookies
Leisure Activity
watching movies
Sports Illustrated
Memory with a Child
Fishing with my little cousins at grandma's farm
Celebrating Christmas in October with my niece
Memory with Spouse
First look on our wedding day
The first time he said I love you while we were walking across a bridge in the freezing cold
Liar Liar
Movie Munchie
My moms homemade popcorn
Movie Quote
My whole life people have been telling me what I could and couldn't do. I've always listened to them, believed in what they said. I don't want to do that anymore.
Life's not about how hard of a hit you can give. It's about how many you can take and still keep moving forward.
Movie Type
The Lion King
The Lion King
Musical Group
Red Hot Chili Peppers
Maroon 5
Nursery Rhyme
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed
Olympic Event
Personal Hero
David Goggins
My dad
Edgar Allan Poe
Dr. Seuss
Quality about my Spouse
Down to earth
Sense of humor
You have power over your mind not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength.
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Jack Stack BBQ
Steak and cheese
Spicy Italian
Shopping Store
TJ Maxx/Home Goods
Soundtrack to my life
Uptown Funk
Sport to Play
Sport to Watch
Sports Star
Patrick Mahomes
Travis Kelce
Sports Team
Subject in School
Thing to Cook
Pastellilos (Puerto Rican beef patties)
Time of Day
Thanksgiving dinner celebration with family
Hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas meals for our family
TV Show
The Good Place
TV Show Character
Sawyer from Lost
Jason Mendoza
Type of Music
All the genres
Vacation Spot
Video Game
Call of Duty
Mrs. Pac Man

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